How to Assemble and Fill your 4x4 GardenSoxx® Growing Kit

In this quick tutorial, Rod Tyler, the inventor of GardenSoxx® explains how to assemble and fill the mesh tubing, using the EZ Filler tube that is found included with the growing kit. Whether filling with straight compost or high-quality organic soil, the mesh can be filled quickly and easily using the EZ Filler tube to hold the mesh open as you scoop and pour in your chosen growing media.

You can choose to use a trowel or small shovel to fill the GardenSoxx®, but as shown in this video, creating a scoop from an empty plastic jug is also a great solution that works well and also allows you to repurpose an item that would have otherwise been thrown away.

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What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

  1. Fill
  2. Plant
  3. Grow!