Setting up a Commercial Strawberry Field using GardenSoxx®

The GardenSoxx® growing system is not just for the home gardener, but can also be an excellent solution for larger farming operations. This video shows GardenSoxx® being used to set up a commercial strawberry field with built-in irrigation using bare-root strawberry plants.

Not only does GardenSoxx® completely remove the need to prepare the farm soil, it makes the planting and watering process quick, easy, and worry-free. The GardenSoxx® system completely eliminates the need for weeding and helps to greatly reduce the risk of plant disease while producing clean fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrients and easier to harvest.

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What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

  1. Fill
  2. Plant
  3. Grow!