The Cultural Benefits of Growing Crops with GardenSoxx®

Rod Tyler, the inventor of GardenSoxx®, discusses the many cultural benefits of using this innovative system for either a small home garden or a larger growing operation.

With GardenSoxx®, there is no need to prepare or till the soil, as they will sit on the surface of the ground and can be placed just about anywhere.

GardenSoxx® can either be used to replace or in conjunction with a raised frame. While the durable mesh keeps the soil and plants self-contained, placing the GardenSoxx® in a frame can add aesthetic while saving you time and money compared to a regular raised-bed garden. The drip irrigation system included with the GardenSoxx® growing kit will ensure that your garden is always well-watered.

The mesh material keeps soil well aerated and at the ideal growing temperature while eliminating weeds entirely. Because the soil is covered, plants stay clean and the risk of plant disease is greatly reduced.

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What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

  1. Fill
  2. Plant
  3. Grow!