GardenSoxx® - Greenhouse Growing Timelapse

The GardenSoxx® growing system is an excellent option for greenhouse growing, as it keeps the soil at the ideal temperature for growing all year long. This timelapse shows the progression of a greenhouse garden from seed to harvest, during a span of seven months of growing. Seeds and plugs are planted in the GardenSoxx® in February, while outdoor temperatures are still too cold for planting. By mid-July, the GardenSoxx® growing system has produced a thriving and abundant greenhouse garden.

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What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

  1. Fill
  2. Plant
  3. Grow!