Hoop House Swap - Replacing Old GardenSoxx® with New Ones

While the GardenSoxx® growing system can be used for multiple seasons, the mesh and contents will eventually need to be replaced as the soil becomes depleted. This video shows how the soil filling the GardenSoxx® is collected to be re-incorporated into the farm compost pile. The GardenSoxx® mesh is then recycled, and the hoop house is cleaned and prepped for a new GardenSoxx® setup to be installed.

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What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

  1. Fill
  2. Plant
  3. Grow!