
This low-calorie nightshade is a Mediterranean favorite and is actually technically a fruit, not a vegetable. Because of its unique texture and ability to absorb flavors, eggplant is often used in vegetarian dishes to make them more satiating.

While purple eggplants are the most common variety that is grown, green, white, orange, and variegated varieties also exist. While the fruit of the plant is versatile and delicious, the flowers and foliage should not be consumed as they contain a toxin called solanine, which can be harmful in large quantities.

how to grow eggplant

Growing eggplant in GardenSoxx® | Plant Family: Solanaceae (Nightshade)


Nutritional Information For Eggplant

Nutritional Facts - per 100/g

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 25 -
Total Fat 0.2 g -
Sodium 2 mg -
Potassium 229 mg -
Dietary Fiber 6 g -
Sugar 3.5 g -
Protein 1 g -
Vitamin C - 3%
Iron - 1%
Vitamin B6 - 5%
Magnesium - 3%


How to Grow Eggplant in Your GardenSoxx®

Eggplant seedlings can be delicate and need a good amount of heat to grow. It is best to sow seeds indoors several weeks before the last spring frost and ensure the seedlings are properly hardened off before transferring to the soil. Plant seedlings once the risk of any frost has passed and the soil has sufficiently warmed. Eggplants will do well when planted together, as there will be increased flower pollination, potentially leading to more fruit production.

Eggplant Seed to Harvest Time:  Approximately 115 days

eggplant planting guide

How to Harvest Eggplant

Since eggplant size can vary quite a bit, it is not the best indicator of when to harvest. Once the skin of the eggplant becomes shiny, and the fruit is firm to the touch, they are ready to harvest. Cut the eggplant at the stem, leaving about one inch of stem on the fruit if possible - using gloves during harvest is recommended as the eggplant stems can sometimes have tiny prickly hairs that can irritate your skin.


Posted in: Fruits

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