
These sweet summer gems are a popular garden crop, especially if you are getting kids involved in harvesting. A perennial plant that will keep coming back year after year, strawberries can yield an impressive harvest when properly maintained. Use them in salads, jams, and pies, or eat them straight off the plant before they even make it to your kitchen table.

Strawberries are high in vitamin C and may help to maintain stable blood pressure. They also support heart health and may lower your risk for cancer and other chronic diseases. Some strawberry growers tend to use high levels of pesticide on their crop - because GardenSoxx® helps to deliver water and nutrients directly to the plant roots, crops are often healthier and have less chance to be affected by pests or disease. As a result, there is a reduced need for pesticides or other chemical inputs when growing with GardenSoxx®.

how to grow strawberries

Growing strawberries in GardenSoxx® | Plant Family: Rosaceae


Nutritional Information For Strawberries

Nutritional Facts - per 100/g

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 32 -
Total Fat 0.3 g -
Sodium 1 mg -
Potassium 153 mg -
Dietary Fiber 2 g -
Sugar 4.9 g -
Protein 0.7 g -
Vitamin C - 65%
Iron - 2%
Calcium - 1%


How to Grow Strawberries in Your GardenSoxx®

While you can plant strawberries from seed, it is unlikely that the plant will yield a harvest in the first year. Buying an established seedling will definitely speed up the process quite a bit. Plants can also be established from runners that grow from other plants. Plants should be between 10-12 inches apart to have space to grow, and should be placed in full sun with well-draining soil. Pinching off blossoms at the beginning of the growing season will increase the strawberry yield once the plant is ready to start fruiting.

Strawberries Seed to Harvest Time: If planted from seed, the plant will not produce fruit until the second year. Once established, depending on the variety, strawberries can be harvested once in June or produce multiple harvests all summer.


strawberries planting guide

How to Harvest Strawberries

When the strawberries turn red and are still firm to the touch, cut them off the stem with a clean pair of scissors. Do not pull them, as this can damage the plant.


Posted in: Fruits

What Are GardenSoxx®?

The Best Container For Growing

GardenSoxx® is an innovative gardening system that combines mesh technology and high-quality growing media. GardenSoxx® mesh provides optimum drainage, aeration, and temperature to grow a healthier root system and a more productive garden.

Also known as "The 30-Minute Garden." Simply...

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